The importance of daily protection and prevention of colds


The importance of daily protection and prevention of colds, core throats, and ear infections for children.

Colds, sore throats, and ear infections are frequent occurrences among children, with a single year often seeing 6 to 8 colds, or up to one cold per month from September to April, in children aged under 6. [1] This high frequency can be attributed to the wide array of cold viruses. As young children haven't encountered these viruses previously, they lack immunity against them.

Prior to developing immunity and experiencing fewer colds, sore throats, and ear infections, one possible approach is introducing preventive measures for their health. Preventing or reducing the occurrence of such ailments is important for young children’s overall health and well-being. Their evolving immune systems make them more susceptible to these common illnesses due to continuous exposure to various germs and viruses, which tend to be passed around from person-to-person through direct contact or by contact with the virus in the environment.[7] [1]

While these common ailments might appear inconsequential, they can disrupt a child's daily activities if left unchecked. For example, frequent colds or sore throats may impair a child's ability to concentrate in school, engage with their peers, and disrupt their overall quality of life. [2]

Fortunately, integrating preventive measures into your children's daily routines can notably reduce the risk of these ailments.

Implementing Daily Protection

One of the most effective ways of safeguarding children against these ailments involves reinforcing preventive measures in their daily routines. Here are some ways to introduce daily protection for your child:[3]

1. Encourage Good Hygiene
Teach children the importance of regular handwashing, especially after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose. This prevents and reduces the possible spread of virus. 

2. Healthy Habits
Promote a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Encouraging regular exercise and adequate sleep strengthens the immune system, making children less susceptible to infections.

3. Limit Exposure
Teach children to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing, preferably using a tissue or their elbow, to prevent the spread of germs. Encourage them to avoid close contact with sick individuals whenever possible.

4. Keep an Eye out for Symptoms
Watch for any signs that your child might be getting sick, like a lingering cough, fever, or complaints about ear discomfort. Promptly seeking medical advice when these symptoms show up can help stop the spread of infections and ensure your child gets timely treatment.

Symptoms to look out for in your child:[4]

Colds: Sneezing, blocked or runny nose, sore throat, coughs, low grade fever (38° C to 38.5° C), headache, and tiredness.

Coughs: A cold, a cough with chest congestion, or a cough characterized by chest sounds.

Ear infections: A high temperature, irritability, crying, difficulty feeding, restlessness at night, and a cough. [5]

Integrating Helixia Kids Natural Defense® [6]

Incorporating natural health products like Helixia® Kids Natural Defense® complements these preventive strategies, enhancing the protection of your children. This syrup, formulated with naturally sourced beta-glucan from the fruiting body of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus Ostreatus, offers proactive protection against sore throats, colds, and ear infections.

Clinically Proven Efficacy: Helixia® Kids Natural Defense® has undergone clinical trials, demonstrating its effectiveness in preventing and reducing the frequency of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections among children aged 3 to 10, such as common colds, sore throats (pharyngotonsillitis and laryngitis), and ear infections (otitis).

Generally, safe and Natural: Free from harmful additives such as dyes, alcohol, gluten, and artificial sweeteners, this product offers a generally safe and healthy option for children.

Daily Protection: Administered daily over a 3- to 6-month period, Helixia® Kids Natural Defense® provides your child with daily protection and gives you a peace of mind. 

With better awareness about daily protection and prevention for children against sore throats, colds, and ear infections, you can effectively reduce the impact of these common ailments on your children's well-being. 

Foster healthy habits, maintain a clean environment, ensure timely medical attention when needed, and integrate Helixia® Kids Natural Defense® into your daily routines to complement these efforts. This naturally sourced and clinically proven syrup helps to prevent and reduce the incidence of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections with its ability to regulate the immune system. With this holistic approach to care and prevention, we pave the way for a healthier future generation together.







[6]Product Package



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